Full-featured, full-performance dedicated servers at various locations.
Common Features of Our Server Packages
Discover the unique features that set apart our Server packages, crafted by our Hosting Experts, for the best website performance.
Free and Independent
Install what you want, when you want. Our advanced hardware gives you the freedom to run powerful modern applications – with guaranteed resources always available.
Safe and Flexible
It’s located in a physically secure data center with an uninterruptible power supply – so you can always count on it being available.
Low Cost Solution
It ensures that you have guaranteed computing and storage resources while managing your business without incurring extra expenses.
Easy Installation and Scaling
Our super-fast auto-provisioning system lets you have a Linux server online in less than 90 seconds and a Windows server online in under 5 minutes.
Advanced Enterprise Storage
To give you the best speed, capacity, and endurance, we only use Enterprise Level SSDs optimized for high performance.
State of the Art Hardware
All virtual machines are powered by 4.2GHz Intel Xeon Cascade Lake 12-core processors with access to DDR5 3666MHz ECC-Registered RAM.
Service Level Guarantee
In our servers, all known optimization and security measures are being implemented and necessary precautions are taken to avoid any adverse events.
No Need to Learn a New PanelcPanel/WHM Server Management Panel
Migrate your website from your old server easily and safely!
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How to Choose?Which Server Package is the Right Choice?
The selection of the right server package depends on your needs, budget, and the requirements of your website. While shared hosting is often suitable for a small personal website, larger business websites may require higher performance options like VPS or dedicated servers. By determining your needs and comparing different hosting packages, you can identify the most suitable option.
Dedicated server is a server leasing solution where all the resources of a physical server (software and hardware) are allocated to a single user. You can install the operating system you need the server you are renting, you can manage your server with the desired hosting control panel.
Dedicated Server installation is delivered within the same day by setting hardware and software features that you prefer during ordering.
Unfortunately, there is no reimbursement guarantee for server orders.
All our servers are delivered as unmanaged and you need to provide your own management and control. However, we provide technical support on issues such as problems, errors or information.
All server orders are provided with necessary security configurations and optimization procedures before delivery, and your side is delivered in this way.